संज्ञा • broadside | |
जहाज़: ship shipping vessel watercraft | |
की: HOW of several | |
एक: a 1 ace unity unit oneness one theromegatherm | |
एक तरफ़: aside on one side to one side एक a 1 ace | |
तरफ़: direction side party pivot group across | |
सभी: everybody all the world and his wife the world | |
से: through specially herewith past by afar affiliate | |
एक: a 1 ace unity unit oneness one theromegatherm | |
एक साथ: in concert at one time concurrently unitedly | |
साथ: friendship society accompaniment company | |
हमला: descent onrush seizure thrust onfall maraud | |
जहाज़ की एक तरफ़ सभी बंदूकों से एक साथ हमला अंग्रेज़ी में
[ jahaja ki ek tarapha sabhi bamdukom se ek sath hamala ]